Evelyn Rosenberg V2

Evelyn Rosenberg

bythierworksslide.jpg Link: https://evelynrosenberg.com/pix/bythierworksslide.jpg

By Their Works You Shall Know Them

"By their works you will know them" A 12'x 4' piece for the BDM Corporation in McLean, Virginia. Shows the components of scientific study: The Thinker, the Communicator, the Manufacturer, and the Explorer. The Thinker has brain neurons surrounded by the EKG of sleep (we create in our dreams.) The Communicator has many languages. The educated people were always the ones who could read and write. The Toolmaker shows the evolution of tools, from primitive stone tools to a computor chip used in a Sac aircraft.(supplied by the company) The Explorer shows a spiral galaxy pierced by the nose cone of a rocket ship.

Evelyn Rosenberg, Artist

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